Difficulty in acquiring data in Flight Restricted Zones
Low data
acquisition efficiency
Unsatisfied data accuracy
After the electric towers point cloud is spliced, the high-voltage line overlaps completely.
After the point cloud of multiple electric towers in the no-fly zone is spliced in WGS84, the high-voltage line overlaps completely, and there will be no misalignment of the high-voltage line.
A single scan can finish a 10km Collecting Work
A single scan can finish long distance collecting operation, improving the efficiency, reducing the costs, and assis the projects to have smooth progress.
Clear and lifelike component details
“R8+” acquires the 2mm thickness point cloud, reach to 25,000pts/m² density, power facilities components are real and clear.
Improving generating efficiency of models
“R8+” generates Mesh models automatically, replaces most of the manual modeling, makes the progress of collecting and modeling much more fast.